City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes February 2, 2009
Members Present: Cindy Donaldson, George Noujaim, TJ Zapulla, Greg Mele, JoAnn Ryan
Members Absent: Mayor Bingham, Bill Battle
Also Absent: Rose Ponte
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm
1. Open meeting to Public
Commissioner Ryan made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Zapulla seconded the motion. Motion carried
2. Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Zapulla made the motion to approve the November 10, 2008 minutes and Commissioner Mele seconded the motion. Motion approved unanimously.
3. Endorse the TDC downtown MDP as it stands today.
Commissioner Ryan made the motion to endorse the Torrington Development Corporations downtown Master Development Plan as it stands at the date of this EDC meeting. Commissioner Mele seconded the motion, motion approved unanimously.
Commissioner Ryan updated the commission on the progress of the MDP noting that the plan for a crossroad from Water Street to Maiden Lane has been deleted from the MDP at this point due to some land owners that posed some opposition. Commissioners Ryan and Donaldson, who both sit on the TDC board of directors will keep the EDC informed to the progress of the redevelopment.
4. Propose a change of use for the courthouse building to mixed use, allowing restaurants in that space. Proposal to be forwarded to P&Z
Commissioner Mele suggested that any proposed changes to P&Z should be very specific as a change to this property would in turn affect all that are deemed mixed use. Commissioner Zapulla requested further information as to the current interest in the building and what businesses are proposed for that space. Commissioner Donaldson will inquire with City Planner, Martin Connor as to the space and any proposed tenants and usage. Any proposed changes to P&Z have been tabled pending information received by the City Planner.
5. POCD - Plan of Conservation and Development
Commissioner Donaldson tabled this discussion as EDC Director Rose Ponte could not attend the meeting. An interim meeting with the EDC may be called prior to the public forum on February 17, 2009.
6. Brownfields Update
Commissioner Zapulla updated the commission on the status of the brownfields project. A consulting firm has been hired and they are now in the process of collecting information on properties that fit the criteria for study. Commissioner Zapulla noted that both commercial and personal properties are being considered.
7. Incubator Plan – how the EDC and Chamber could work collectively with the city.
Commissioner Donaldson suggested a possible connect between upstart companies, their need for affordable office rent and the value of the NW CT Chamber of Commerce resources with several available commercial spaces that could be used for such companies. Commissioner Ryan noted that the Chamber of Commerce is open to helping all businesses in the community get started with SCORE and SBA as well as their staff. Commissioner Zapulla noted that commercial realtors already have this on their radar and will refer potential tenants to the City’s EDC or the Chamber. It was decided that involvement by the EDC at this time isn’t necessary as the city’s current internal departments are handling it.
8. Marketing of Torrington
Commissioner Donaldson suggested a marketing plan for the city will need to be put in place once the final MDP for downtown is complete and approved. Commissioner Zapulla suggested Commissioner Donaldson put together a proposal for plan of action for the March meeting. Commissioner Noujaim noted that the Torrington website should be more user friendly by adding a link to the home page for someone moving into town or starting a new business in town. This link would lead them to a page detailing a step by step process of the city’s departments. Commissioner Mele noted that every situation is different and that a general list should be made. Commissioner Zapulla noted that the City Planners office already has a document detailing all the procedures
and that people should be encouraged to call the office vs. downloading a copy of the document.
9. Other Business
Commissioner Noujaim gave an update on the Litchfield County Compact for Higher Education group. He noted that the LCC is working on making a connection between business and higher education. The next LCC meeting will be February 12th at the University of Connecticut.
Commissioner Donaldson noted that there are currently two openings on the EDC. James Thibault of Barron Financial Group, has interest in the commission and attended the meeting to learn more about the commission.
10. Commissioner Zapulla moved to adjourn at 7:15, Commissioner Noujaim seconded the motion, the motion carried.